Welcome to JGL Acoustics.com. JGL Acoustics, Inc. offers a wide variety of acoustical consulting services, including acoustical design work as well as solving existing sound and vibration problems. In addition, we offer field testing services, preparation and review of environmental impact statements, and expert witness testimony. The firm also currently offers two custom acoustics software programs, designed to assist your company in performing complex acoustical calculations.

JGL Acoustics, Inc. is proud to provide a growing selection of acoustical consulting services including: Architectural Acoustic Design, Community Noise Assessment, Industrial Noise Control, Product Noise Reduction, and Mechanical Systems Noise and Vibration Control.

JGL Acoustics, Inc. also provides field testing services including air-borne and impact sound transmission in buildings, interior/exterior background noise measurements, building and ground vibration testing & analysis.

Jerry G. Lilly, P.E.

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